PortlandJujitsu.com Info

Site Last Updated: 05-28-2011
On-line since: 07-22-1998

Vists to this page: 36689
Page last updated: 01-15-2012

All content is © copyright 2003 - 2024 Portland Small Circle Jujitsu, Stan Miller. All rights reserved.

Here's how you can reach us.

Sensei Stan Miller:

Instructor Jeremiah Reinmiller:

Help using the e-mail links
Dojo: (503) 281-9060
Portland Small Circle Jujitsu
4030 NE Broadway
Portland, OR 97232

To use the e-mail links above your browsers internal e-mail must be setup and functioning. For Netscape this is Messenger, for Explorer it is probably Outlook. To do this you must have an e-mail account with your ISP. If you use an external e-mail package or use a web e-mail service, such as Hotmail, the links may not work. If the links don't work you have two options. 1) copy the e-mail address shown for the person you want to contact and type it into the To: field of your e-mail package. 2) use the form above to contact us. Back

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