





Date and Times:
Friday Nov 13th - Sunday Nov 14th
Saturday :: 9:30am - 1pm
Sunday :: 9:30am - 1pm
Seminar Details:
Take advantage of this opportunity to train hands-on with Coach Ron Ogi and learn some of the
devastating close quarter strikes, locks and counters that the art of OGI is noted for. In this weekend
seminar, Ron will cover various aspects of the training methods, specialized drills, fighting applications
and structure of Omniscient Gung-fu Infighting. Coach Ogi has developed and refined methods
that are tailor-made to meet the special needs of today’s modern working professional. The hands-on
training is not designed to compete against your style but will compliment your personal method from
beginner to advance levels. Evolve with change for a simple, practical, safe and fun seminar.
The Instructor:
Ron Ogi will be the instructor at the seminar. Mr. Ogi began his training in Wing Chun Do with James Demile in 1974. In 1986 he started training under Wally Jay in Small Circle Jujitsu. Since then he has used his knowledge in both striking and locking to teach seminars across the United States. He currently resides in Pearl City, Hawaii where he runs a video production company and teaches self-defense classes.
- One Day - $40
- Both Days - $75
Space for the seminar is extremely limited, so register now to reserve your spot.
- T-shirt, Sweats or Shorts & Mat Shoes
Seminar Location:
4030 NE Broadway
Portland, OR 97232
Click the map below for directions to the seminar
For more information contact us.

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